Carol Buckley

Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA, United States 
"Carol Buckley"
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Jill E. Schneider grad student 2006 Lehigh University
 (Hormonal, metabolic, and behavioral perspectives on food -hoarding and hunger motivation in Syrian hamsters: A limited role for leptin.)
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Buckley CA, Schneider JE, Cundall D. (2007) Kinematic analysis of an appetitive food-handling behavior: the functional morphology of Syrian hamster cheek pouches. The Journal of Experimental Biology. 210: 3096-106
Buckley CA, Schneider JE. (2003) Food hoarding is increased by food deprivation and decreased by leptin treatment in Syrian hamsters. American Journal of Physiology. Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology. 285: R1021-9
Schneider JE, Buckley CA, Blum RM, et al. (2002) Metabolic signals, hormones and neuropeptides involved in control of energy balance and reproductive success in hamsters. The European Journal of Neuroscience. 16: 377-9
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