Dmitry Krotov

2014 Physics Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 
"Dmitry Krotov"
Mean distance: 14.66 (cluster 17)


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William Bialek grad student 2014 Princeton
 (Strong correlations in gravity and biophysics.)
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Krotov D, J Hopfield J. (2019) Unsupervised learning by competing hidden units. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Krotov D, Hopfield J. (2018) Dense Associative Memory Is Robust to Adversarial Inputs. Neural Computation. 1-17
Krotov D, Dubuis JO, Gregor T, et al. (2014) Morphogenesis at criticality. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 111: 3683-8
Krotov D, Polyakov AM. (2011) Infrared sensitivity of unstable vacua Nuclear Physics B. 849: 410-432
Krotov D, Losev A. (2009) Quantum field theory as effective BV theory from Chern-Simons Nuclear Physics B. 806: 529-566
Krotov D. (2008) The descent of off-shell supersymmetry to the mass shell: Short review European Physical Journal C. 54: 339-343
Alexandrov V, Krotov D, Losev A, et al. (2007) On pure spinor superfield formalism Journal of High Energy Physics. 2007
Krotov D, Morozov A. (2005) A solvable sector of AdS theory Journal of High Energy Physics. 1547-1566
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