Richard J. Herrnstein
Affiliations: | Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, United States |
"Richard J. Herrnstein"Mean distance: 13.26 (cluster 23) | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add traineeLeda Cosmides | research assistant | Harvard | |
George W. Ainslie | grad student | Coatesville VA | |
William Baum | grad student | Harvard (PsychTree) | |
Robert A. Boakes | grad student | Harvard | |
John Cerella | grad student | Syracuse | |
Edmund J. Fantino | grad student | Central Washington University | |
Philip N. Hineline | grad student | Harvard | |
Jerald D. Kralik | grad student | Harvard | |
James E. Mazur | grad student | Harvard | |
Harold Miller | grad student | Harvard (PsychTree) | |
Drazen Prelec | grad student | Harvard | |
Howard Rachlin | grad student | SUNY Stony Brook | |
John E R Staddon | grad student | Harvard | |
John J. Boren | research scientist |
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Pierce WD, Epling WF, Dews PB, et al. (1994) Activity anorexia: An interplay between basic and applied behavior analysis. The Behavior Analyst / Maba. 17: 7-23 |
Dews PB, Estes WK, Morse WH, et al. (1994) Memorial minute for B. F. Skinner. The Behavior Analyst / Maba. 17: 2-5 |
Herrnstein RJ, Loewenstein GF, Prelec D, et al. (1993) Utility maximization and melioration: Internalities in individual choice Journal of Behavioral Decision Making. 6: 149-185 |
Herrnstein RJ, Prelec D. (1991) Melioration: A Theory of Distributed Choice Journal of Economic Perspectives. 5: 137-156 |
Herrnstein RJ. (1990) Behavior, Reinforcement and Utility Psychological Science. 1: 217-224 |
Herrnstein RJ. (1990) Rational choice theory: Necessary but not sufficient American Psychologist. 45: 356-367 |
Bostic R, Herrnstein RJ, Luce RD. (1990) The effect on the preference-reversal phenomenon of using choice indifferences Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization. 13: 193-212 |
Mazur JE, Herrnstein RJ. (1988) On the functions relating delay, reinforcer value, and behavior Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 11: 690-691 |
Vaughan W, Herrnstein RJ. (1987) Choosing among natural stimuli. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior. 47: 5-16 |
Cohen LE, Wilson JQ, Herrnstein RJ. (1987) Throwing Down the Gauntlet: A Challenge to the Relevance of Sociology for the Etiology of Criminal Behavior Contemporary Sociology. 16: 202 |