Marvin L. Minsky
Affiliations: | Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, United States |
artificial intelligence, human mindGoogle:
"Marvin Minsky"Bio:
Mean distance: 15.42 (cluster 23) | S | N | B | C | P |
Cross-listing: MathTree
Sign in to add mentorAlbert William Tucker | grad student | 1954 | Princeton (MathTree) | |
(Theory of Neural-Analog Reinforcement Systems and Its Application to the Brain Model Problem) |
Sign in to add traineeDaniel Pouzzner | research assistant | 1992-1993 | MIT |
Eugene Charniak | grad student | (Computer Science Tree) | |
Daniel Gruhl | grad student | MIT | |
Michael Hawley | grad student | MIT | |
William Hillis | grad student | MIT | |
Berthold K. P. Horn | grad student | MIT | |
Robert Lawler | grad student | MIT | |
William Lim | grad student | MIT | |
David Daniel McDonald | grad student | MIT | |
David Rosenthal | grad student | MIT | |
Steven Strassmann | grad student | MIT | |
José A. Valente | grad student | MIT | |
David Waltz | grad student | MIT (Computer Science Tree) | |
Tracy R. West | grad student | MIT | |
James Robert Slagle | grad student | 1961 | MIT |
Manuel Blum | grad student | 1964 | MIT (Computer Science Tree) |
Lewis Mark Norton | grad student | 1966 | |
Joel Moses | grad student | 1967 | MIT (Computer Science Tree) |
Warren Teitelman | grad student | 1967 | MIT |
Patrick H. Winston | grad student | 1970 | MIT |
Gerald Jay Sussman | grad student | 1973 | MIT (Computer Science Tree) |
Lucia Vaina | grad student | 1979-1982 | MIT |
David Alex Levitt | grad student | 1985 | MIT |
Michael Travers | grad student | 1996 | MIT |
Deniz Yüret | grad student | 1998 | MIT (Computer Science Tree) |
Pushpinder Singh | grad student | 2005 | MIT |
Luc Steels | research scientist | MIT |
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Horn BKP, Marr D, Hollerbach J, et al. (2017) Research in Progress at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Ai Magazine. 1: 21 |
Minsky M, Singh P, Sloman A. (2004) The St Thomas common sense symposium: Designing architectures for human-level intelligence Ai Magazine. 25: 113-124 |
Minsky M, Laske O. (1992) A conversation with Marvin Minsky Ai Magazine. 13: 31-45 |
Minsky M. (1991) Logical versus analogical or symbolic versus connectionist or neat versus scruffy Ai Magazine. 12: 34-51 |
Minsky M, Papert S. (1966) Unrecognizable Sets of Numbers Journal of the Acm. 13: 281-286 |
Minsky M. (1961) A Selected Descriptor-Indexed Bibliography to the Literature on Artificial Intelligence Ire Transactions On Human Factors in Electronics. 39-55 |