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Willard C. Olson grad student 1942 University of Michigan (PsychTree) (jandh) Delete Edit
 (Social status, structure and development in classroom groups)
W. Clark Trow grad student 1942 University of Michigan (PsychTree) (jandh) Delete Edit


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Laurence Steinberg research assistant (Lds0708) Delete Edit
Tara White research assistant (tarawhite) Delete Edit
Clara Mayo research assistant 1953 (PsychTree) (klevy) Delete Edit
Ann C. Crouter grad student Cornell (SocTree) (diego3927) Delete Edit
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Bronfenbrenner U. (1986) Ecology of the Family as a Context for Human Development. Research Perspectives Developmental Psychology. 22: 723-742
Avgar A, Bronfenbrenner U, Henderson CR. (1977) Socialization Practices of Parents, Teachers, and Peers in Israel: Kibbutz, Moshav, and City. Child Development. 48: 1219-1227
Bronfenbrenner U. (1977) Toward an Experimental Ecology of Human Development. American Psychologist. 32: 513-531
Kav-Venaki S, Eyal N, Bronfenbrenner U, et al. (1976) The effect of Russian versus Hebrew instructions on the reaction to social pressure of Russian-born Israeli children Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. 12: 70-86
Bronfenbrenner U. (1967) The psychological costs of quality and equality in education. Child Development. 38: 909-25
Bronfenbrenner U. (1961) The Changing American Child — A Speculative Analysis Journal of Social Issues. 17: 6-18
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