Patrick A. Forcelli, Ph.D.

Georgetown University, Washington, DC 
Neuropharmacology, Epilepsy, Psychopharmacology, Behavioral Neurobiology
"Patrick Forcelli"
Mean distance: 14.46 (cluster 6)
Cross-listing: PsychTree


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Stephen C. Heinrichs research assistant Boston College
Stefano Vicini grad student Georgetown
Karen Gale grad student 2011 Georgetown
 (Sequelae of neonatal antiepileptic drug exposure in rats.)
Alexei Kondratyev post-doc Georgetown
Ludise Malkova post-doc Georgetown


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Colin M. Soper research assistant 2011-2014 Georgetown
Elyssa LaFlamme grad student 2015- Georgetown
Safwan Hyder grad student 2017- Georgetown
Hannah Waguespack grad student 2017- Georgetown
Tahiyana Khan grad student 2018- Georgetown
Eric Witherspoon grad student 2019- Georgetown
Jessica Jacobs grad student 2020- Georgetown
Devin Palmer grad student 2020- Georgetown
Brittany Aguilar grad student 2014-2018 Georgetown
Megan Huizenga grad student 2014-2018 Georgetown
Catherine Elorette grad student 2015-2019 Georgetown
Evan Wicker grad student 2015-2019 Georgetown
Irene Sanchez Brualla post-doc Georgetown
Carolina Campos-Rodríguez post-doc Georgetown
Sean Quinlan post-doc Georgetown
Victor R. Santos post-doc 2016- Georgetown
BETA: Related publications


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Jacobs JT, Maior RS, Waguespack HF, et al. (2024) Focal pharmacological manipulation of serotonin signaling in the amygdala does not alter social behavior. Psychopharmacology
Witherspoon E, Williams G, Zuczek N, et al. (2024) Cenobamate suppresses seizures without inducing cell death in neonatal rats. Epilepsy & Behavior : E&B. 158: 109898
Quinlan S, Khan T, McFall D, et al. (2024) Early life phenobarbital exposure dysregulates the hippocampal transcriptome. Frontiers in Pharmacology. 15: 1340691
Waguespack HF, Jacobs JT, Park J, et al. (2024) Pharmacological inhibition of the nucleus accumbens increases dyadic social interaction in macaques. Eneuro
Forcelli PA, LaFlamme EM, Waguespack HF, et al. (2024) Hippocampal lesions impair non-navigational spatial memory in macaques. Hippocampus
Ghosh A, Quinlan S, Forcelli PA. (2024) Anti-seizure medication-induced developmental cell death in neonatal rats is unaltered by history of hypoxia. Epilepsy Research. 201: 107318
Sanchez-Brualla I, Ghosh A, Gibatova VA, et al. (2023) Phenobarbital does not worsen outcomes of neonatal hypoxia on hippocampal LTP on rats. Frontiers in Neurology. 14: 1295934
Campos Rodriguez C, Palmer D, Forcelli PA. (2023) Optogenetic stimulation of the superior colliculus suppresses genetic absence seizures. Brain : a Journal of Neurology
Waguespack HF, Maior RS, Campos-Rodriguez C, et al. (2023) Quinpirole, but not muscimol, infused into the nucleus accumbens disrupts prepulse inhibition of the acoustic startle in rhesus macaques. Neuropharmacology. 235: 109563
Jacobs JT, Maior RS, Waguespack HF, et al. (2023) Pharmacological inactivation of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis increases affiliative social behavior in rhesus macaques. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience
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