Martin JM Lankheet
Affiliations: | Utrecht University, Utrecht, Netherlands |
"Martin Lankheet"Mean distance: 14.64 (cluster 29) | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add mentorWim A. van de Grind | grad student | 1986-1990 | Utrecht |
Peter Lennie | post-doc | NYU |
Sign in to add traineeRichard J.A.. van Wezel | grad student | Helmholtz Institute (Utrecht University - NL) | |
Peter Christiaan Klink | grad student | 2006-2010 | Utrecht |
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Duijnhouwer J, Noest AJ, Lankheet MJ, et al. (2013) Speed and direction response profiles of neurons in macaque MT and MST show modest constraint line tuning. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience. 7: 22 |
Klink PC, Oleksiak A, Lankheet MJ, et al. (2012) Intermittent stimulus presentation stabilizes neuronal responses in macaque area MT. Journal of Neurophysiology. 108: 2101-14 |
Lankheet MJ, Klink PC, Borghuis BG, et al. (2012) Spike-interval triggered averaging reveals a quasi-periodic spiking alternative for stochastic resonance in catfish electroreceptors. Plos One. 7: e32786 |
Oleksiak A, Klink PC, Postma A, et al. (2011) Spatial summation in macaque parietal area 7a follows a winner-take-all rule. Journal of Neurophysiology. 105: 1150-8 |
Lorteije JA, Barraclough NE, Jellema T, et al. (2011) Implied motion activation in cortical area MT can be explained by visual low-level features. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 23: 1533-48 |
Raemaekers M, Lankheet MJ, Moorman S, et al. (2009) Directional anisotropy of motion responses in retinotopic cortex. Human Brain Mapping. 30: 3970-80 |
Bours RJ, Kroes MC, Lankheet MJ. (2009) Sensitivity for reverse-phi motion. Vision Research. 49: 1-9 |
Raemaekers M, Lankheet M, Wezel Rv. (2009) Directional anisotropies of motion responses in retinotopic cortex Neuroimage. 47 |
Bours RJ, Kroes MC, Lankheet MJ. (2007) The parallel between reverse-phi and motion aftereffects. Journal of Vision. 7: 8.1-10 |
Dunn FA, Lankheet MJ, Rieke F. (2007) Light adaptation in cone vision involves switching between receptor and post-receptor sites. Nature. 449: 603-6 |