Consuelo Morgado-Valle

Universidad Veracruzana, Alto Lucero, Veracruz, Mexico 
Neural control of breathing
"Consuelo Morgado-Valle"
Mean distance: 14.99 (cluster 11)
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Ramos-Riera KP, Beltrán-Parrazal L, Morgado-Valle C, et al. (2024) Type 2 diabetes mellitus facilitates status epilepticus in adult rats: Seizure severity, neurodegeneration, and oxidative stress. Epilepsia Open
Olmos-Pastoresa CA, Vázquez-Mendoza E, López-Meraz ML, et al. (2023) Transgenic rodents as dynamic models for the study of respiratory rhythm generation and modulation: a scoping review and a bibliometric analysis. Frontiers in Physiology. 14: 1295632
Gourévitch B, Pitts T, Iceman K, et al. (2023) Author Correction: Synchronization of inspiratory burst onset along the ventral respiratory column in the neonate mouse is mediated by electrotonic coupling. Bmc Biology. 21: 108
Gourévitch B, Pitts T, Iceman K, et al. (2023) Synchronization of inspiratory burst onset along the ventral respiratory column in the neonate mouse is mediated by electrotonic coupling. Bmc Biology. 21: 83
Landa-Jiménez MA, González-Gaspar P, Montes-González FM, et al. (2022) An open-source low-cost wireless sensor system for acquisition of human movement data. Anais Da Academia Brasileira De Ciencias. 94: e20191419
Morgado-Valle C, Smith JC, Fernandez-Ruiz J, et al. (2022) Modulation of inspiratory burst duration and frequency by bombesin in vitro. Pflugers Archiv : European Journal of Physiology
González-Gaspar P, Macías-Carballo M, Cadena-Mejía T, et al. (2021) Analixity: An open source, low-cost analysis system for the elevated plus maze test, based on computer vision techniques. Behavioural Processes. 193: 104539
Macías-Carballo M, Navarro SR, López-Meraz ML, et al. (2021) Anxiolytic effect of chronic intake of supplemental magnesium chloride in rat. Behavioural Brain Research. 113460
Puig-Lagunes ÁA, Rocha L, Morgado-Valle C, et al. (2021) Brain and plasma amino acid concentration in infant rats prenatally exposed to valproic acid. Anais Da Academia Brasileira De Ciencias. 93: e20190861
Contreras A, Ramirez-Garcia G, Chirino A, et al. (2020) Longitudinal Analysis of the Relation Between Clinical Impairment and Gray Matter Degeneration in Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 7 Patients. Cerebellum (London, England)
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