Koichi Kitano, Ph.D.

School of Health, Physical Education and Recreation Indiana University, Bloomington, Bloomington, IN, United States 
Neural development, receptor tyrosine kinases
"Koichi Kitano"
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Anne L. Prieto grad student 2011 Indiana University Bloomington
 (Reconsideration of H-reflex Methodology and Reevaluation of Spinal H-reflex Characteristics.)
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Madsen LP, Kitano K, Koceja DM, et al. (2020) Modulation of cutaneous reflexes during sidestepping in adult humans. Experimental Brain Research
Madsen LP, Kitano K, Koceja DM, et al. (2019) Effects of chronic ankle instability on cutaneous reflex modulation during walking. Experimental Brain Research
Ryder RA, Kitano K, Phipps AM, et al. (2015) Contralateral conditioning to the soleus H-reflex as a function of age and physical activity. Experimental Brain Research
Murphy SP, Koceja DM, Kitano K, et al. (2015) Comparison of H-reflex and reciprocal inhibition between running footfall patterns Footwear Science. 7: S7-S8
Robertson CT, Kitano K, Koceja DM, et al. (2013) Independent segmental inhibitory modulation of synaptic efficacy of the soleus H-reflex. Somatosensory & Motor Research. 30: 81-9
Tsuruike M, Kitano K, Koceja DM, et al. (2012) Differential control of H-reflex amplitude in different weight-bearing conditions in young and elderly subjects. Clinical Neurophysiology : Official Journal of the International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology. 123: 2018-24
Robertson CT, Kitano K, Koceja DM, et al. (2012) Temporal depression of the soleus H-reflex during passive stretch. Experimental Brain Research. 219: 217-25
Tsuruike M, Kitano K, Koceja D. (2011) Possible mechanism of inability to depress soleus H-reflex during a standing position for elderly subjects Japanese Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine. 60: 82
Ryder R, Kitano K, Koceja DM. (2010) Spinal reflex adaptation in dancers changes with body orientation and role of pre-synaptic inhibition. Journal of Dance Medicine & Science : Official Publication of the International Association For Dance Medicine & Science. 14: 155-62
Tahayori B, Kitano K, Hong SL, et al. (2010) Amplification of background EMG activity affects the interpretation of H-reflex gain. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology : Official Journal of the International Society of Electrophysiological Kinesiology. 20: 1219-22
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