Patrick O. Dolan, Ph.D

2001-2015 Psychology Drew University, Madison, NJ, United States 
"Patrick Dolan"
Mean distance: 16.67 (cluster 8)
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Fazio LK, Dolan PO, Marsh EJ. (2015) Learning misinformation from fictional sources: understanding the contributions of transportation and item-specific processing. Memory (Hove, England). 23: 167-77
Coane JH, Balota DA, Dolan PO, et al. (2011) Not all sources of familiarity are created equal: the case of word frequency and repetition in episodic recognition. Memory & Cognition. 39: 791-805
Marsh EJ, Dolan PO. (2007) Test-induced priming of false memories Psychonomic Bulletin and Review. 14: 479-483
Marsh EJ, Dolan PO, Balota DA, et al. (2004) Part-set cuing effects in younger and older adults. Psychology and Aging. 19: 134-44
McElree B, Dolan PO, Jacoby LL. (1999) Isolating the contributions of familiarity and source information to item recognition: a time course analysis. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Learning, Memory, and Cognition. 25: 563-82
Jacoby LL, Jones TC, Dolan PO. (1998) Two effects of repetition: Support for a dual-process model of know judgments and exclusion errors Psychonomic Bulletin and Review. 5: 705-709
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