Herbert A. Simon

Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 
Artificial intelligence
"Herbert A. Simon"

The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 1978 was awarded to Herbert Simon for his pioneering research into the decision-making process within economic organizations.

Mean distance: 15.73 (cluster 55)
Cross-listing: MathTree - Econometree - PoliSci Tree


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Harold Lasswell grad student 1943 Chicago (PoliSci Tree)
Charles E. Merriam grad student 1943 Chicago (PoliSci Tree)
Henry Schultz grad student 1943 Chicago


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Robert Axtell grad student (LinguisTree)
Gary L. Bradshaw grad student Carnegie Mellon
Marek J. Druzdzel grad student Carnegie Mellon (Econometree)
Mark Fox grad student (Computer Science Tree)
Fernand R. Gobet grad student Carnegie Institute
David Klahr grad student Carnegie Mellon
Kenneth Kotovsky grad student Carnegie Mellon
Pat Langley grad student Carnegie Mellon (Computer Science Tree)
John Fraser Muth grad student Carnegie Mellon
William F. Pounds grad student Carnegie Mellon
Russell Revlin grad student UC Santa Barbara (PsychTree)
Masaru Tomita grad student (Computational Biology Tree)
Allen Newell grad student 1949-1950 Carnegie Mellon
Edward Feigenbaum grad student 1960 Carnegie Institute of Technology (Computer Science Tree)
Kenneth E. Knight grad student 1963 Carnegie Institute of Technology (Business Management Tree)
Oliver E. Williamson grad student 1963 Carnegie Mellon (Econometree)
Harry E. Pople grad student 1969 Carnegie Mellon (Computer Science Tree)
Richard Waldinger grad student 1969 Carnegie Mellon
Philip Bromiley grad student 1981 Carnegie Mellon (Econometree)
Richard Korf grad student 1983 Carnegie Mellon (Computer Science Tree)
Charles Q. Wu grad student 1988-1992 Carnegie Mellon
Saras D. Sarasvathy grad student 1994-1998 Carnegie Mellon
Wenxuan Ding grad student 2002 Carnegie Mellon
Jeremy F. Gottlieb grad student 2003 Carnegie Mellon
K. Anders Ericsson post-doc Carnegie Mellon
Kathleen Emlen Metz post-doc Carnegie Mellon / Univ. of Pittsburgh
Alonso Vera post-doc 1990-1993 Carnegie Mellon
MJ Prietula research scientist Carnegie Mellon (Computer Science Tree)


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William Chase collaborator Carnegie Mellon
Gerhard Fischer collaborator CU Boulder
Yuji Ijiri collaborator (Econometree)
James G. March collaborator (SocTree)
BETA: Related publications


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Aksyutina Y, Aumann T, Boretzky K, et al. (2013) Structure of the unbound nucleus Be-13: One-neutron knockout reaction data from Be-14 analyzed in a holistic approach Physical Review C. 87: 64316
Chase WG, Simon HA. (2013) The mind's eye in chess Readings in Cognitive Science: a Perspective From Psychology and Artificial Intelligence. 461-494
Feigenbaum EA, Simon HA. (2007) Performance of a reading task by an elementary perceiving and memorizing program Behavioral Science. 8: 72-76
Klahr D, Simon HA. (2001) What have psychologists (and others) discovered about the process of scientific discovery? Current Directions in Psychological Science. 10: 75-79
Simon HA, Gobet F. (2000) Expertise effects in memory recall: comment on Vicente and Wang (1998). Psychological Review. 107: 593-600
Anderson JR, Greeno JG, Reder LM, et al. (2000) Perspectives on Learning, Thinking, and Activity Educational Researcher. 29: 11-13
Gobet F, Simon HA. (2000) Five seconds or sixty? Presentation time in expert memory Cognitive Science. 24: 651-682
Gobet F, Simon HA. (2000) Reply to Lassiter Psychological Science. 11: 174-174
Simon H, Bibel W, Bundy A, et al. (2000) AI's greatest trends and controversies Ieee Intelligent Systems. 15: 8-17
Klahr D, Simon HA. (1999) Studies of scientific discovery: Complementary approaches and convergent findings Psychological Bulletin. 125: 524-543
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