Julie A. Dowling, Ph.D.

University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, U.S.A. 
"Julie Dowling"
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Christopher G. Ellison grad student 2004 UT Austin (PHTree)
 (The lure of Whiteness and the politics of )
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Hempel LM, Dowling JA, Boardman JD, et al. (2013) Racial Threat and White Opposition to Bilingual Education in Texas Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences. 35: 85-102
Dowling JA, Ellison CG, Leal DL. (2012) Who Doesn't Value English? Debunking Myths About Mexican Immigrants' Attitudes Toward the English Language Social Science Quarterly. 93: 356-378
Dowling JA, Newby CA. (2010) So far from Miami: Afro-Cuban Encounters with Mexicans in the US Southwest Latino Studies. 8: 176-194
Newby CA, Dowling JA. (2007) Black and hispanic: The racial identification of Afro-Cuban immigrants in the southwest Sociological Perspectives. 50: 343-366
Dowling JA. (2005) "I'm not Mexican... Pero soy Mexicano": Linguistic context of labeling among Mexican Americans in Texas Southwest Journal of Linguistics. 24: 53-63
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