Sandra M. Testa, Ph.D.

Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA, United States 
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Thomas Borkovec grad student 2008 Penn State
 (The shaping of vulnerability factors including core cognitive beliefs and their subsequent role in posttraumatic stress disorder and general clinical psychopathology.)
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Michelson L, June K, Vives A, et al. (1998) The role of trauma and dissociation in cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy outcome and maintenance for panic disorder with agoraphobia. Behaviour Research and Therapy. 36: 1011-50
Michelson LK, Bellanti CJ, Testa SM, et al. (1997) The relationship of attributional style to agoraphobia severity, depression, and treatment outcome. Behaviour Research and Therapy. 35: 1061-73
Michelson LK, Marchione KE, Greenwald M, et al. (1996) A comparative outcome and follow-up investigation of panic disorder with agoraphobia : The relative and combined efficacy of cognitive therapy, relaxation training, and therapist-assisted exposure Journal of Anxiety Disorders. 10: 297-330
Michelson L, Marchione K, Greenwald M, et al. (1990) Panic disorder: cognitive-behavioral treatment. Behaviour Research and Therapy. 28: 141-51
Michelson L, Mavissakalian M, Marchione K, et al. (1990) Psychophysiological outcome of cognitive, behavioral and psychophysiologically-based treatments of agoraphobia. Behaviour Research and Therapy. 28: 127-39
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