Tom Johnstone
Affiliations: | University of Reading, Earley, England, United Kingdom |
cognitive neuroscience, brain imaging, fMRI, emotion, affective neuroscienceGoogle:
"Tom Johnstone"Mean distance: 15.35 (cluster 23) | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add mentorKim Kirsner | grad student | 1990-1999 | University of Western Australia |
Klaus R. Scherer | grad student | 1994-1999 | Swiss Centre for Affective Sciences |
Richard J. Davidson | research scientist | 2000-2007 | UW Madison |
Sign in to add traineeJayne Morriss | research assistant | 2008-2009 | University of Reading |
Christos Pliatsikas | grad student | 2007-2010 | University of Reading, UK |
Michael T. Rubens | grad student | 2012-2015 | University of Reading |
Yanbo (Helen) Hu | post-doc | 2012-2014 | University of Reading, UK |
Sign in to add collaboratorBhismadev Chakrabarti | collaborator | University of Reading | |
Heather L. Urry | collaborator | UW Madison | |
Carien M. van Reekum | collaborator | University of Reading | |
Paul J. Whalen | collaborator | 2001- | UW Madison |
Eva Feredoes | collaborator | 2007- | UW Madison |
Brad Postle | collaborator | 2007- | UW Madison |
Anastasia Christakou | collaborator | 2010- | University of Reading |
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Bayer M, Johnstone T, Dziobek I. (2023) It's who, not what that matters: personal relevance and early face processing. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience. 18 |
Morriss J, Bell T, Biagi N, et al. (2021) Intolerance of uncertainty is associated with heightened responding in the prefrontal cortex during cue-signalled uncertainty of threat. Cognitive, Affective & Behavioral Neuroscience |
Bayer M, Berhe O, Dziobek I, et al. (2021) Rapid Neural Representations of Personally Relevant Faces. Cerebral Cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991) |
Wake S, Morriss J, Johnstone T, et al. (2021) Intolerance of uncertainty, and not social anxiety, is associated with compromised extinction of social threat. Behaviour Research and Therapy. 139: 103818 |
Macdonald B, Wake S, Johnstone T. (2020) Selective Extinction Through Cognitive Evaluation: Linking Emotion Regulation And Extinction. The European Journal of Neuroscience |
Al-Mosaiwi M, Johnstone T. (2018) In an Absolute State: Elevated Use of Absolutist Words Is a Marker Specific to Anxiety, Depression, and Suicidal Ideation. Clinical Psychological Science : a Journal of the Association For Psychological Science. 6: 529-542 |
Morriss J, Bell T, Johnstone T, et al. (2018) Social domain based modulation of neural responses to threat: The different roles of romantic partners versus friends. Social Neuroscience |
Bayer M, Johnstone T, Dziobek I. (2018) The impact of personal relevance on emotional face perception in adults with autism spectrum conditions - a simultaneous EEG-fMRI study International Journal of Psychophysiology. 131: S42 |
Bayer M, Rubens MT, Johnstone T. (2017) Simultaneous EEG-fMRI reveals attention-dependent coupling of early face processing with a distributed cortical network. Biological Psychology. 132: 133-142 |
Barry TJ, Murray L, Fearon P, et al. (2017) Amygdala volume and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis reactivity to social stress. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 85: 96-99 |