Elisa S. Na, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA |
mood, thirst, cardiovascular homeostasisGoogle:
"Elisa Na"Mean distance: 16.7 (cluster 19) | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add mentorAlan K. Johnson | grad student | 2008 | University of Iowa | |
(Neurohumoral mechanisms involved in the sensitization and processing of the palatability of sodium appetite.) |
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Morris MJ, Na ES, Johnson AK. (2012) Voluntary running-wheel exercise decreases the threshold for rewarding intracranial self-stimulation. Behavioral Neuroscience. 126: 582-7 |
Na ES, Morris MJ, Johnson AK. (2012) Opioid mechanisms that mediate the palatability of and appetite for salt in sodium replete and deficient states. Physiology & Behavior. 106: 164-70 |
Morris MJ, Na ES, Johnson AK. (2010) Mineralocorticoid receptor antagonism prevents hedonic deficits induced by a chronic sodium appetite. Behavioral Neuroscience. 124: 211-24 |
Na ES, Morris MJ, Johnson AK. (2009) Behavioral cross-sensitization between morphine-induced locomotion and sodium depletion-induced salt appetite. Pharmacology, Biochemistry, and Behavior. 93: 368-74 |
Morris MJ, Na ES, Johnson AK. (2008) Salt craving: the psychobiology of pathogenic sodium intake. Physiology & Behavior. 94: 709-21 |
Na ES, Morris MJ, Johnson RF, et al. (2007) The neural substrates of enhanced salt appetite after repeated sodium depletions. Brain Research. 1171: 104-10 |
Morris MJ, Na ES, Grippo AJ, et al. (2006) The effects of deoxycorticosterone-induced sodium appetite on hedonic behaviors in the rat. Behavioral Neuroscience. 120: 571-9 |
Grippo AJ, Na ES, Johnson RF, et al. (2004) Sucrose ingestion elicits reduced Fos expression in the nucleus accumbens of anhedonic rats. Brain Research. 1019: 259-64 |
Roitman MF, Na E, Anderson G, et al. (2002) Induction of a salt appetite alters dendritic morphology in nucleus accumbens and sensitizes rats to amphetamine. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 22: RC225 |
Roitman MF, Na E, Anderson G, et al. (2002) Induction of a Salt Appetite Alters Dendritic Morphology in Nucleus Accumbens and Sensitizes Rats to Amphetamine The Journal of Neuroscience. 22: RC225-RC225 |