Michael T. Rosenstein, Ph.D.

University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Amherst, MA 
Reinforcement Learning
"Michael Rosenstein"
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Andrew Barto grad student 2003 U Mass Amherst
 (Learning to exploit dynamics for robot motor coordination.)
Roderic Grupen grad student 2005 U Mass Amherst (Robotree)
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Rosenstein MT, Barto AG, Van Emmerik REA. (2006) Learning at the level of synergies for a robot weightlifter Robotics and Autonomous Systems. 54: 706-717
Berthier NE, Rosenstein MT, Barto AG. (2005) Approximate optimal control as a model for motor learning. Psychological Review. 112: 329-46
Muslea I, Dignum V, Corkill D, et al. (2005) The workshop program at the Nineteenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence Ai Magazine. 26: 103-108
Rosenstein MT, Fagg AH, Ou S, et al. (2005) User intentions funneled through a human-robot interface International Conference On Intelligent User Interfaces, Proceedings Iui. 257-259
BROCK O, FAGG A, GRUPEN R, et al. (2005) A FRAMEWORK FOR LEARNING AND CONTROL IN INTELLIGENT HUMANOID ROBOTS International Journal of Humanoid Robotics. 2: 301-336
Rosenstein MT, Fagg AH, Platt R, et al. (2005) Remote supervisory control of a humanoid robot Proceedings of the National Conference On Artificial Intelligence. 4: 1702-1703
Rosenstein MT, Barto AG. (2004) Reinforcement learning with supervision by a stable controller Proceedings of the American Control Conference. 5: 4517-4522
Rosenstein MT, Fagg AH, Grupen RA. (2004) Robot learning with predictions of operator intent Aaai Fall Symposium - Technical Report. 107-108
Rosenstein MT, Grupen RA. (2002) Velocity-dependent dynamic manipulability Proceedings - Ieee International Conference On Robotics and Automation. 3: 2424-2429
Rosenstein MT, Barto AG. (2001) Robot weightlifting by direct policy search Ijcai International Joint Conference On Artificial Intelligence. 839-844
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