Christopher J. Starr, Ph.D.

Wake Forest University School of Medicine, Winston-Salem, NC, United States 
pain, brain imaging
"Christopher Starr"
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Robert C. Coghill grad student 2009 Wake Forest School of Medicine
 (Neural mechanisms supporting cognitive influences on supraspinal nociceptive processing: Insights from brain lesions.)
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Emerson NM, Zeidan F, Lobanov OV, et al. (2014) Pain sensitivity is inversely related to regional grey matter density in the brain. Pain. 155: 566-73
Emerson N, Zeidan F, Lobanov O, et al. (2014) (323) Regional grey matter density in the brain is related to pain sensitivity in healthy individuals The Journal of Pain. 15: S56
Starr CJ, Sawaki L, Wittenberg GF, et al. (2011) The contribution of the putamen to sensory aspects of pain: insights from structural connectivity and brain lesions. Brain : a Journal of Neurology. 134: 1987-2004
Starr CJ, Houle TT, Coghill RC. (2010) Psychological and sensory predictors of experimental thermal pain: a multifactorial model. The Journal of Pain : Official Journal of the American Pain Society. 11: 1394-402
Starr CJ, Sawaki L, Wittenberg GF, et al. (2009) Roles of the insular cortex in the modulation of pain: insights from brain lesions. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 29: 2684-94
Starr C, Houle T, Coghill R. (2007) (669) The Journal of Pain. 8: S18
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