Harpreet k. Chadha, Ph.D.

University of Louisville, Louisville, KY, United States 
"Harpreet Chadha"
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Charles Hubscher grad student 2007 University of Louisville
 (Hypothalamic responses to vaginocervical stimulation in a rat model of endometriosis.)
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Johnson RD, Chadha HK, Dugan VP, et al. (2011) Bilateral bulbospinal projections to pudendal motoneuron circuitry after chronic spinal cord hemisection injury as revealed by transsynaptic tracing with pseudorabies virus. Journal of Neurotrauma. 28: 595-605
Reed WR, Chadha HK, Hubscher CH. (2009) Effects of 17beta-estradiol on responses of viscerosomatic convergent thalamic neurons in the ovariectomized female rat. Journal of Neurophysiology. 102: 1062-74
Chadha HK, Armstrong JE, Mower GD, et al. (2008) Effects of surgical induction of endometriosis on response properties of preoptic area neurons in rats. Brain Research. 1246: 101-10
Chadha HK, Hubscher CH. (2008) Convergence of nociceptive information in the forebrain of female rats: reproductive organ response variations with stage of estrus. Experimental Neurology. 210: 375-87
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