Michael S. Fine, Ph.D.

Washington University, Saint Louis, St. Louis, MO 
Motor control
"Michael Fine"
Mean distance: 15.51 (cluster 17)


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Kurt A. Thoroughman grad student 2007 Washington University
 (Trial-by-trial motor adaptation to novel force perturbations in children and adults.)
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Fine MS, Lum PS, Brokaw EB, et al. (2016) Dynamic motor tracking is sensitive to subacute mTBI. Experimental Brain Research
Wanda PA, Fine MS, Weeks HM, et al. (2013) Brevity of haptic force perturbations induces heightened adaptive sensitivity. Experimental Brain Research. 226: 407-20
Thoroughman KA, Fine MS, Taylor JA. (2007) Trial-by-trial motor adaptation: a window into elemental neural computation. Progress in Brain Research. 165: 373-82
Fine MS, Thoroughman KA. (2007) Trial-by-trial transformation of error into sensorimotor adaptation changes with environmental dynamics. Journal of Neurophysiology. 98: 1392-404
Fine MS, Thoroughman KA. (2006) Motor adaptation to single force pulses: sensitive to direction but insensitive to within-movement pulse placement and magnitude. Journal of Neurophysiology. 96: 710-20
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