James M. Sprague, PhD, Harvard University 1942
Affiliations: | University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, United States |
subcortical visionWebsite:
"James Sprague"Mean distance: 12.97 (cluster 17)
Sign in to add traineeMichael L. Shelanski | research assistant | 1959-1961 | University of Pennsylvania Medical School |
Larry A. Palmer | grad student | Penn | |
S Murray Sherman | grad student | 1969 | Penn |
Andrea J. Elberger | post-doc | Penn | |
Howard C. Hughes | post-doc | Penn | |
Larry A. Palmer | post-doc | Penn | |
Alan C. Rosenquist | post-doc | Penn | |
Giovanni Berlucchi | post-doc | 1968-1969 | Penn |
Thomas T. Norton | post-doc | 1970-1972 | Penn |
Sign in to add collaboratorEliot Stellar | collaborator | Penn | |
William W. Chambers | collaborator | 1950-1955 | Penn |
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Sprague JM. (1996) Neural mechanisms of visual orienting responses. Progress in Brain Research. 112: 1-15 |
Sprague JM, De Weerd P, Xiao DK, et al. (1996) Orientation discrimination in the cat: its cortical locus II. Extrastriate cortical areas. The Journal of Comparative Neurology. 364: 32-50 |
Flandrin JM, Courjon JH, Orban GA, et al. (1992) Longterm impairment of cat optokinetic nystagmus following visual cortical lesions. Experimental Brain Research. 88: 594-608 |
Vandenbussche E, Sprague JM, de Weerd P, et al. (1991) Orientation discrimination in the cat: its cortical locus. I. Areas 17 and 18. The Journal of Comparative Neurology. 305: 632-58 |
Sprague JM. (1991) The role of the superior colliculus in facilitating visual attention and form perception. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 88: 1286-90 |
Wallace SF, Rosenquist AC, Sprague JM. (1990) Ibotenic acid lesions of the lateral substantia nigra restore visual orientation behavior in the hemianopic cat. The Journal of Comparative Neurology. 296: 222-52 |
Wallace SF, Rosenquist AC, Sprague JM. (1989) Recovery from cortical blindness mediated by destruction of nontectotectal fibers in the commissure of the superior colliculus in the cat. The Journal of Comparative Neurology. 284: 429-50 |
Hughes HC, Sprague JM. (1986) Cortical mechanisms for local and global analysis of visual space in the cat. Experimental Brain Research. 61: 332-54 |
Sprague JM, Berlucchi G, Antonini A. (1985) Immediate postoperative retention of visual discriminations following selective cortical lesions in the cat. Behavioural Brain Research. 17: 145-62 |
Sprague JM, Church AC, Liu CN, et al. (1985) Visual discrimination learning and interhemispheric transfer in the cat, as affected by 6-hydroxydopamine. Experimental Brain Research. 61: 43-53 |