Joris Koene

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands 
Snail sex
"Joris Koene"
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van Dijk SM, Zizzari ZV, Koene JM, et al. (2024) Sublethal heat reduces overall reproductive investment and male allocation in a simultaneously hermaphroditic snail species. Royal Society Open Science. 11: 231287
Álvarez B, Koene JM, Hollis KL, et al. (2022) Learning to anticipate mate presence shapes individual sex roles in the hermaphroditic pond snail, Lymnaea stagnalis. Animal Cognition
Lodi M, Staikou A, Janssen R, et al. (2017) High level of sperm competition may increase transfer of accessory gland products carried by the love dart of land snails. Ecology and Evolution. 7: 11148-11156
Lodi M, Meijer FW, Koene JM. (2017) Ejaculates are not used as nuptial gifts in simultaneously hermaphroditic snails. Zoology (Jena, Germany)
Hoffer JN, Mariën J, Ellers J, et al. (2017) Sexual selection gradients change over time in a simultaneous hermaphrodite. Elife. 6
Lodi M, Koene JM. (2017) Hidden female physiological resistance to male accessory gland substances in a simultaneous hermaphrodite. The Journal of Experimental Biology
Koene JM. (2016) Sex determination and gender expression: Reproductive investment in snails. Molecular Reproduction and Development
Lodi M, Koene JM. (2016) On the effect specificity of accessory gland products transferred by the love-dart of land snails. Bmc Evolutionary Biology. 16: 104
Stewart MJ, Wang T, Koene JM, et al. (2016) A love dart allohormone identified in the mucous glands of hermaphroditic land snails. The Journal of Biological Chemistry
van Iersel S, Swart EM, Nakadera Y, et al. (2014) Effect of male accessory gland products on egg laying in gastropod molluscs. Journal of Visualized Experiments : Jove. e51698
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