Yonghua Pan, Ph.D.

Washington University, Saint Louis, St. Louis, MO 
"Yonghua Pan"
Mean distance: 18.27 (cluster 31)


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Raphael Kopan grad student 2004 Washington University
 (Notch signaling: From reconstruction of the pathway in yeast to its function in mice.)
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Bo K, Pan Y, Behera TK, et al. (2016) SHORT HYPOCOTYL 1 Encodes a SMARCA3-like Chromatin Remodeling Factor Regulating Elongation. Plant Physiology
Pan Y, Liu Z, Shen J, et al. (2005) Notch1 and 2 cooperate in limb ectoderm to receive an early Jagged2 signal regulating interdigital apoptosis. Developmental Biology. 286: 472-82
Pan Y, Lin MH, Tian X, et al. (2004) gamma-secretase functions through Notch signaling to maintain skin appendages but is not required for their patterning or initial morphogenesis. Developmental Cell. 7: 731-43
Vooijs M, Schroeter EH, Pan Y, et al. (2004) Ectodomain shedding and intramembrane cleavage of mammalian Notch proteins is not regulated through oligomerization. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 279: 50864-73
Nichols AM, Pan Y, Herreman A, et al. (2004) Notch pathway is dispensable for adipocyte specification. Genesis (New York, N.Y. : 2000). 40: 40-4
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