Frank H. Baker
Affiliations: | Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD |
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Erwin E, Baker FH, Busen WF, et al. (1999) Relationship between laminar topology and retinotopy in the rhesus lateral geniculate nucleus: results from a functional atlas. The Journal of Comparative Neurology. 407: 92-102 |
Malpeli JG, Lee D, Baker FH. (1996) Laminar and retinotopic organization of the macaque lateral geniculate nucleus: magnocellular and parvocellular magnification functions. The Journal of Comparative Neurology. 375: 363-77 |
Lenz FA, Gracely RH, Hope EJ, et al. (1994) The sensation of angina can be evoked by stimulation of the human thalamus. Pain. 59: 119-25 |
Lenz FA, Seike M, Lin YC, et al. (1993) Neurons in the area of human thalamic nucleus ventralis caudalis respond to painful heat stimuli. Brain Research. 623: 235-40 |
Baker FH, Malpeli JG. (1977) Effects of cryogenic blockade of visual cortex on the responses of lateral geniculate neurons in the monkey. Experimental Brain Research. 29: 433-44 |
Malpeli JG, Baker FH. (1975) The representation of the visual field in the lateral geniculate nucleus of Macaca mulatta. The Journal of Comparative Neurology. 161: 569-94 |
Baker FH, Grigg P, von Noorden GK. (1974) Effects of visual deprivation and strabismus on the response of neurons in the visual cortex of the monkey, including studies on the striate and prestriate cortex in the normal animal Brain Research. 66: 185-208 |