Maria Gendron, Ph.D.

GSAS - Psychology Boston College, Newton, MA, United States 
"Maria Gendron"
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Lisa Feldman Barrett grad student 2013 Boston College
 (Relativity in the perception of emotion across cultures.)
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Goel S, Jara-Ettinger J, Ong DC, et al. (2024) Face and context integration in emotion inference is limited and variable across categories and individuals. Nature Communications. 15: 2443
Hoemann K, Gendron M, Crittenden AN, et al. (2023) What We Can Learn About Emotion by Talking With the Hadza. Perspectives On Psychological Science : a Journal of the Association For Psychological Science. 17456916231178555
Hoemann K, Lee Y, Kuppens P, et al. (2023) Emotional Granularity is Associated with Daily Experiential Diversity. Affective Science. 4: 291-306
Erbas Y, Gendron M, Fugate JMB. (2022) Editorial: The role of emotional granularity in emotional regulation, mental disorders, and well-being. Frontiers in Psychology. 13: 1080713
Hoemann K, Gendron M, Barrett LF. (2022) Erratum: Publisher Correction: Assessing the Power of Words to Facilitate Emotion Category Learning. Affective Science. 3: 191
Hoemann K, Gendron M, Barrett LF. (2022) Assessing the Power of Words to Facilitate Emotion Category Learning. Affective Science. 3: 69-80
Doyle CM, Gendron M, Lindquist KA. (2021) Language Is a Unique Context for Emotion Perception. Affective Science. 2: 171-177
Le Mau T, Hoemann K, Lyons SH, et al. (2021) Professional actors demonstrate variability, not stereotypical expressions, when portraying emotional states in photographs. Nature Communications. 12: 5037
Hoemann K, Vicaria IM, Gendron M, et al. (2020) Introducing a Face Sort Paradigm to Evaluate Age Differences in Emotion Perception. The Journals of Gerontology. Series B, Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences
Gendron M, Hoemann K, Crittenden AN, et al. (2020) Emotion Perception in Hadza Hunter-Gatherers. Scientific Reports. 10: 3867
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