Shirley S. Wang, Ph.D.

Yale University, New Haven, CT
"Shirley Wang"
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Teresa A. Treat grad student 2007 Yale
 (Disordered eating and vulnerability to the social norm of thinness.)
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Woodward HE, Rizk MT, Wang SS, et al. (2014) Disordered eating links to body-relevant and body-irrelevant influences on self-evaluation. Eating Behaviors. 15: 205-8
Wang SS, Treat TA, Brownell KD. (2008) Cognitive Processing About Classroom-Relevant Contexts: Teachers' Attention to and Utilization of Girls' Body Size, Ethnicity, Attractiveness, and Facial Affect Journal of Educational Psychology. 100: 473-489
Wang SS, Houshyar S, Prinstein MJ. (2006) Adolescent girls' and boys' weight-related health behaviors and cognitions: associations with reputation- and preference-based peer status. Health Psychology : Official Journal of the Division of Health Psychology, American Psychological Association. 25: 658-63
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