Anne M. Christiansen, Ph.D.
University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OHGoogle:
"Anne Christiansen"Mean distance: 18.36 (cluster 6)
Sign in to add mentorJames P. Herman | grad student | 2010 | University of Cincinnati | |
(Neural mechanisms mediating persistent stress relief by comfort food.) |
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Ulrich-Lai YM, Christiansen AM, Wang X, et al. (2015) Statistical modeling implicates neuroanatomical circuit mediating stress relief by 'comfort' food. Brain Structure & Function |
Christiansen AM, Herman JP, Ulrich-Lai YM. (2011) Regulatory interactions of stress and reward on rat forebrain opioidergic and GABAergic circuitry. Stress (Amsterdam, Netherlands). 14: 205-15 |
Christiansen AM, Dekloet AD, Ulrich-Lai YM, et al. (2011) "Snacking" causes long term attenuation of HPA axis stress responses and enhancement of brain FosB/deltaFosB expression in rats. Physiology & Behavior. 103: 111-6 |
Ulrich-Lai YM, Christiansen AM, Ostrander MM, et al. (2010) Pleasurable behaviors reduce stress via brain reward pathways. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 107: 20529-34 |