Jonathan N. Flak, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | Neuroscience/Medical Science Scholars Interdisciplinary | University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH |
"Jonathan Flak"Mean distance: 18.36 (cluster 6)
Sign in to add mentorJames P. Herman | grad student | 2011 | University of Cincinnati | |
(Chronic Stress, Neurotransmitter Plasticity, and Body Weight.) |
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Flak JN, Goforth P, Dell'Orco J, et al. (2020) Ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus neuronal subset regulates blood glucose independently of insulin. The Journal of Clinical Investigation |
Cheng W, Gonzalez I, Pan W, et al. (2020) Calcitonin Receptor Neurons in the Mouse Nucleus Tractus Solitarius Control Energy Balance via the Non-aversive Suppression of Feeding. Cell Metabolism |
Affinati A, Flak J, Bozadjieva N, et al. (2020) 215-OR: Silencing CCKBR Containing Neurons in the VMN Restrains Hepatic Glucose Production to Ameliorate Diabetes in Mice Diabetes. 69 |
BOZADJIEVA N, ROSS RA, LOWELL B, et al. (2019) 313-OR: PACAP from the Ventromedial Hypothalamic Nucleus Controls Both Energy Balance and Glucose Homeostasis Diabetes. 68: 313-OR |
Pan W, Adams JM, Allison MB, et al. (2018) Essential role for hypothalamic calcitonin receptor-expressing neurons in the control of food intake by leptin. Endocrinology |
Meek TH, Matsen ME, Faber CL, et al. (2018) In Uncontrolled Diabetes, Hyperglucagonemia and Ketosis Result from Deficient Leptin Action in the Parabrachial Nucleus. Endocrinology |
FLAK JN, ANSARI A, SABATINI P, et al. (2018) Identification of VmnCckbr Neurons as Crucial Mediators of the Counterregulatory Response to Hypoglycemia Diabetes. 67: 202-OR |
Flak JN, Arble D, Pan W, et al. (2017) A leptin-regulated circuit controls glucose mobilization during noxious stimuli. The Journal of Clinical Investigation |
Scott KA, de Kloet AD, Smeltzer MD, et al. (2017) Susceptibility or resilience? Prenatal stress predisposes male rats to social subordination, but facilitates adaptation to subordinate status. Physiology & Behavior |
Flak JN. (2016) A Role for Leptin-Regulated Neurocircuitry in Subordination Stress. Physiology & Behavior |