Renee D. George, Ph.D.

Genome Sciences University of Washington, Seattle, Seattle, WA 
reproductive protein evolution
"Renee George"


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Willie J. Swanson grad student 2012 University of Washington
 (Using exome sequencing to study adaptive evolution in non-human primates and human populations.)
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Yang X, Breuss MW, Xu X, et al. (2021) Developmental and temporal characteristics of clonal sperm mosaicism. Cell
Claw KG, George RD, MacCoss MJ, et al. (2018) Quantitative evolutionary proteomics of seminal fluid from primates with different mating systems. Bmc Genomics. 19: 488
Claw KG, George RD, Swanson WJ. (2014) Detecting coevolution in mammalian sperm-egg fusion proteins. Molecular Reproduction and Development. 81: 531-8
Aagaard JE, George RD, Fishman L, et al. (2013) Selection on plant male function genes identifies candidates for reproductive isolation of yellow monkeyflowers. Plos Genetics. 9: e1003965
George RD, McVicker G, Diederich R, et al. (2011) Trans genomic capture and sequencing of primate exomes reveals new targets of positive selection. Genome Research. 21: 1686-94
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