Klaus Mecke

Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, München, Bayern, Germany 
"Klaus Mecke"
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Klatt MA, Schröder-Turk GE, Mecke K. (2017) Mean-intercept anisotropy analysis of porous media. II. Conceptual shortcomings of the MIL tensor definition and Minkowski tensors as an alternative. Medical Physics
Klatt MA, Schröder-Turk GE, Mecke K. (2017) Mean-intercept anisotropy analysis of porous media. I. Analytic formulae for anisotropic Boolean models. Medical Physics
Klatt MA, Schröder-Turk GE, Mecke K. (2017) Anisotropy in finite continuum percolation: threshold estimation by Minkowski functionals Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment. 2017: 023302
Wittmann R, Marechal M, Mecke K. (2016) Fundamental measure theory for non-spherical hard particles: predicting liquid crystal properties from the particle shape. Journal of Physics. Condensed Matter : An Institute of Physics Journal. 28: 244003
Mitschke H, Schury F, Mecke K, et al. (2016) Geometry: The leading parameter for the Poisson's ratio of bending-dominated cellular solids International Journal of Solids and Structures. 100: 1-10
Krüger B, Schmidt EM, Mecke K. (2016) Spectral Properties of Unimodular Lattice Triangulations Journal of Statistical Physics. 163: 514-543
Scholz C, Wirner F, Klatt MA, et al. (2015) Direct relations between morphology and transport in Boolean models. Physical Review. E, Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 92: 043023
Wittmann R, Marechal M, Mecke K. (2015) Elasticity of nematic phases with fundamental measure theory. Physical Review. E, Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 91: 052501
Schaller FM, Kapfer SC, Hilton JE, et al. (2015) Non-universal Voronoi cell shapes in amorphous ellipsoid packs Epl. 111
Knauf JF, Krüger B, Mecke K. (2015) Entropy of unimodular lattice triangulations Epl (Europhysics Letters). 109: 40011
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