Shoji Komai

2020- Tech. Sci. International Professional University of Technology, Tokyo 
Behavioral Analysis, dendrites, viral vector, in vivo TPTP, cognition, molecules
"Shoji Komai"
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Maruyama AT, Komai S. (2018) Auditory-induced response in the primary sensory cortex of rodents. Plos One. 13: e0209266
Lissek T, Adams M, Adelman J, et al. (2017) Building Bridges through Science. Neuron. 96: 730-735
Arai MD, Zhan B, Maruyama A, et al. (2017) Enriched environment and Mash1 transfection affect neural stem cell differentiation after transplantation into the adult somatosensory cortex. Journal of the Neurological Sciences. 373: 73-80
van Welie I, Roth A, Ho SS, et al. (2016) Conditional Spike Transmission Mediated by Electrical Coupling Ensures Millisecond Precision-Correlated Activity among Interneurons In Vivo. Neuron
Arai MD, Komai S. (2010) Functional differentiation of exogenous neural stem cells into excitatory and inhibitory neurons in adult mice cortex Neuroscience Research. 68: e358
Suto F, Tsuboi M, Kamiya H, et al. (2007) Interactions between plexin-A2, plexin-A4, and semaphorin 6A control lamina-restricted projection of hippocampal mossy fibers. Neuron. 53: 535-47
Komai S, Denk W, Osten P, et al. (2006) Two-photon targeted patching (TPTP) in vivo. Nature Protocols. 1: 647-52
Komai S, Licznerski P, Cetin A, et al. (2006) Postsynaptic excitability is necessary for strengthening of cortical sensory responses during experience-dependent development. Nature Neuroscience. 9: 1125-33
Nakazawa T, Komai S, Watabe AM, et al. (2006) NR2B tyrosine phosphorylation modulates fear learning as well as amygdaloid synaptic plasticity. The Embo Journal. 25: 2867-77
Niisato K, Fujikawa A, Komai S, et al. (2005) Age-dependent enhancement of hippocampal long-term potentiation and impairment of spatial learning through the Rho-associated kinase pathway in protein tyrosine phosphatase receptor type Z-deficient mice. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 25: 1081-8
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