Nicholas A. Lynchard, Ph.D.

University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN, United States 
Aging and memory, situation models
"Nicholas Lynchard"
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Gabriel A. Radvansky grad student 2009 Notre Dame
 (Aging, perspective, possible selves, and emotionally-charged information.)
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Lynchard NA, Radvansky GA. (2012) Age-related perspectives and emotion processing. Psychology and Aging. 27: 934-9
Narvaez D, Radvansky GA, Lynchard NA, et al. (2011) Are older adults more attuned to morally charged information? Experimental Aging Research. 37: 398-434
Radvansky GA, Lynchard NA, von Hippel W. (2009) Aging and stereotype suppression. Neuropsychology, Development, and Cognition. Section B, Aging, Neuropsychology and Cognition. 16: 22-32
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