Trisha M. Patrician, Ph.D.

Psychology University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, United States 
obesity, food motivation, anxiety disorders, fMRI
"Trisha Patrician"
Mean distance: 19.52 (cluster 15)


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Cary R. Savage grad student 2014 University of Kansas
 (A longitudinal investigation of psychological and neural mechanisms of weight loss.)
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Szabo-Reed AN, Martin LE, Hu J, et al. (2020) Modeling interactions between brain function, diet adherence behaviors, and weight loss success. Obesity Science & Practice. 6: 282-292
Avery JA, Powell JN, Breslin FJ, et al. (2017) Obesity is associated with altered mid-insula functional connectivity to limbic regions underlying appetitive responses to foods. Journal of Psychopharmacology (Oxford, England). 269881117728429
Lepping RJ, Bruce AS, Francisco A, et al. (2015) Resting-state brain connectivity after surgical and behavioral weight loss. Obesity (Silver Spring, Md.). 23: 1422-8
Szabo-Reed AN, Breslin FJ, Lynch AM, et al. (2015) Brain function predictors and outcome of weight loss and weight loss maintenance. Contemporary Clinical Trials. 40: 218-31
Ness A, Bruce J, Bruce A, et al. (2014) Pre-surgical cortical activation to food pictures is associated with weight loss following bariatric surgery. Surgery For Obesity and Related Diseases : Official Journal of the American Society For Bariatric Surgery. 10: 1188-95
Bruce AS, Bruce JM, Ness AR, et al. (2014) A comparison of functional brain changes associated with surgical versus behavioral weight loss. Obesity (Silver Spring, Md.). 22: 337-43
Lundgren JD, Patrician TM, Breslin FJ, et al. (2013) Evening hyperphagia and food motivation: a preliminary study of neural mechanisms. Eating Behaviors. 14: 447-50
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