Jed A. Meltzer, Ph.D.

Yale University, New Haven, CT 
Neuroscience, brain imaging, MR physics
"Jed Meltzer"
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R. Todd Constable grad student 2006 Yale
 (Cognitive and electrophysiological aspects of task-induced deactivation in functional MRI.)
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Wei HT, Kulzhabayeva D, Erceg L, et al. (2024) Cognitive components of aging-related increase in word-finding difficulty. Neuropsychology, Development, and Cognition. Section B, Aging, Neuropsychology and Cognition. 1-32
Kielar A, Shah-Basak PP, Patterson DK, et al. (2022) Electrophysiological abnormalities as indicators of early-stage pathology in Primary Progressive Aphasia (PPA): A case study in semantic variant PPA. Neurocase. 1-13
Truzman T, Rochon E, Meltzer J, et al. (2021) Simultaneous Normalization and Compensatory Changes in Right Hemisphere Connectivity during Aphasia Therapy. Brain Sciences. 11
Chu R, Joordens S, Meltzer JA. (2019) Interhemispheric transfer of semantic information facilitates bilateral word recognition. Journal of Experimental Psychology. General
Kielar A, Shah-Basak PP, Deschamps T, et al. (2019) Slowing is slowing: Delayed neural responses to words are linked to abnormally slow resting state activity in primary progressive aphasia. Neuropsychologia. 129: 331-347
Hebscher M, Meltzer JA, Gilboa A. (2019) A causal role for the precuneus in network-wide theta and gamma oscillatory activity during complex memory retrieval. Elife. 8
Rondina Ii R, Olsen RK, Li L, et al. (2019) Age-related changes to oscillatory dynamics during maintenance and retrieval in a relational memory task. Plos One. 14: e0211851
Hebscher M, Meltzer JA, Gilboa A. (2019) Author response: A causal role for the precuneus in network-wide theta and gamma oscillatory activity during complex memory retrieval Elife
Shah-Basak PP, Kielar A, Deschamps T, et al. (2018) Spontaneous oscillatory markers of cognitive status in two forms of dementia. Human Brain Mapping
Chu RK, Meltzer JA. (2018) Interhemispheric connectivity during lateralized lexical decision. Human Brain Mapping
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