Jing Leng, Ph.D.

Yale University, New Haven, CT 
"Jing Leng"
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James P. Noonan grad student 2014 Yale
 (Studying the Evolution of Gene Regulation Using Next-Generation Sequencing: Computational Methods and Data Integration.)
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Liu C, Leng J, Li Y, et al. (2022) A spatiotemporal atlas of organogenesis in the development of orchid flowers. Nucleic Acids Research
Reilly SK, Yin J, Ayoub AE, et al. (2015) Evolutionary genomics. Evolutionary changes in promoter and enhancer activity during human corticogenesis. Science (New York, N.Y.). 347: 1155-9
Gerstein MB, Rozowsky J, Yan KK, et al. (2014) Comparative analysis of the transcriptome across distant species. Nature. 512: 445-8
Sisu C, Pei B, Leng J, et al. (2014) Comparative analysis of pseudogenes across three phyla. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 111: 13361-6
Cotney J, Leng J, Yin J, et al. (2013) The evolution of lineage-specific regulatory activities in the human embryonic limb. Cell. 154: 185-96
DeMare LE, Leng J, Cotney J, et al. (2013) The genomic landscape of cohesin-associated chromatin interactions. Genome Research. 23: 1224-34
Bandyopadhyay U, Cotney J, Nagy M, et al. (2013) RNA-Seq profiling of spinal cord motor neurons from a presymptomatic SOD1 ALS mouse. Plos One. 8: e53575
Cheng C, Alexander R, Min R, et al. (2012) Understanding transcriptional regulation by integrative analysis of transcription factor binding data. Genome Research. 22: 1658-67
Gerstein MB, Kundaje A, Hariharan M, et al. (2012) Architecture of the human regulatory network derived from ENCODE data. Nature. 489: 91-100
Yip KY, Cheng C, Bhardwaj N, et al. (2012) Classification of human genomic regions based on experimentally determined binding sites of more than 100 transcription-related factors. Genome Biology. 13: R48
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