Sarah (Sadie) J. Witkowski

2014-2019 Psychology Department Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 
sleep, memory
"Sarah (Sadie) Witkowski"
Mean distance: 14.26 (cluster 23)


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David Schnyer research assistant 2011-2014 UT Austin
Ken A. Paller grad student 2014-2019 Northwestern
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Schechtman E, Witkowski S, Lampe A, et al. (2020) Author Correction: Targeted memory reactivation during sleep boosts intentional forgetting of spatial locations. Scientific Reports. 10: 4729
Schechtman E, Witkowski S, Lampe A, et al. (2020) Targeted memory reactivation during sleep boosts intentional forgetting of spatial locations. Scientific Reports. 10: 2327
Witkowski S, Schechtman E, Paller KA. (2020) Examining sleep’s role in memory generalization and specificity through the lens of targeted memory reactivation Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences. 33: 86-91
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