Carmela M. Reichel, Ph.D.

Philosophy The University of Nebraska - Lincoln, Lincoln, NE 
"Carmela Reichel"
Mean distance: 17.31 (cluster 19)


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Cynthia A Crawford grad student 2000-2005 CSU San Bernardino
Sanders A McDougall grad student 2000-2005 CSU San Bernardino
Rick A. Bevins grad student 2008 University of Nebraska - Lincoln
 (The conditioned rewarding effects of novelty compete with those of cocaine.)
Ronald E. See post-doc 2009-2012 MUSC


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Jordan S Carter grad student 2020- MUSC
Stewart Cox grad student 2016-2020 MUSC
Stacia I Lewandowski post-doc 2021- MUSC
Katharine Hayley Nelson post-doc 2021- MUSC
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Nelson KH, Freels DL, Carter JS, et al. (2024) Perirhinal cortex to the nucleus accumbens circuit in novelty salience following methamphetamine self-administration. Addiction Neuroscience. 13
Carter JS, Costa CC, Lewandowski SI, et al. (2024) Estrogen receptor beta signaling enhances extinction memory recall for heroin-conditioned cues in a sex- and region-specific manner. Translational Psychiatry. 14: 283
Armenta-Resendiz M, Carter JS, Hunter Z, et al. (2024) Sex differences in behavior, cognitive, and physiological recovery following methamphetamine administration. Psychopharmacology
Cox SS, Brown BJ, Wood SK, et al. (2024) Neuronal, affective, and sensory correlates of targeted helping behavior in male and female Sprague Dawley rats. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience. 18: 1384578
Penrod RD, Taniguchi M, Kearns AM, et al. (2023) Differential roles of oxytocin receptors in the prefrontal cortex and nucleus accumbens on cocaine self-administration and reinstatement of cued cocaine seeking in male rats. The International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology
Carter JS, Costa CC, Kearns AM, et al. (2023) Inhibition of estradiol signaling in the basolateral amygdala impairs extinction memory recall for heroin-conditioned cues in a sex-specific manner. Neuroendocrinology
Jordan LH, Goldsmith ST, Wood SK, et al. (2023) Perirhinal to prefrontal circuit in methamphetamine induced recognition memory deficits. Neuropharmacology. 109711
Lewandowski SI, Hodebourg R, Wood SK, et al. (2023) Matrix metalloproteinase activity during methamphetamine cued relapse. Addiction Biology. 28: e13279
Carter JS, Wood SK, Kearns AM, et al. (2023) Paraventricular Nucleus of the Hypothalamus Oxytocin and Incubation of Heroin Seeking. Neuroendocrinology
Cox SS, Reichel CM. (2022) The intersection of empathy and addiction. Pharmacology, Biochemistry, and Behavior. 222: 173509
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