Stefanos Killingsworth, Ph.D.

Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN 
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Daniel Levin grad student 2012 Vanderbilt
 (Object-relevant kinematics influence imitative compatibility.)
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Levin DT, Killingsworth SS, Saylor MM, et al. (2013) Tests of concepts about different kinds of minds: Predictions about the behavior of computers, robots, and people Human-Computer Interaction. 28: 161-191
Killingsworth SS, Saylor MM, Levin DT. (2011) Analyzing action for agents with varying cognitive capacities Social Cognition. 29: 56-73
Levin DT, Killingsworth SS, Saylor MM. (2008) Concepts about the capabilities of computers and robots: A test of the scope of adults' theory of mind Hri 2008 - Proceedings of the 3rd Acm/Ieee International Conference On Human-Robot Interaction: Living With Robots. 57-63
Killingsworth S, Saylor MM, Levin DT. (2005) Segmenting action for computers and humans: Possible links to intentional understanding Proceedings - Ieee International Workshop On Robot and Human Interactive Communication. 2005: 196-201
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