Paul S. Merritt, Ph.D.

Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 
Memory, educational psycohology
"Paul Merritt"
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Ed L. DeLosh grad student 2004 Colorado State
 (Modality specific contributions to true and false recognition: An event -related potential study.)
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Cook GI, Meeks JT, Clark-Foos A, et al. (2014) The role of interruptions and contextual associations in delayed-execute prospective memory Applied Cognitive Psychology. 28: 91-103
Merritt PS, Cobb AR, Cook GI. (2012) Sex differences in the cognitive effects of tobacco abstinence: a pilot study. Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology. 20: 258-63
Merritt PS, Cobb AR, Moissinac L, et al. (2010) Evidence that episodic memory impairment during tobacco abstinence is independent of attentional mechanisms. The Journal of General Psychology. 137: 331-42
Merritt PS, DeLosh EL, McDaniel MA. (2006) Effects of word frequency on individual-item and serial order retention: tests of the order-encoding view. Memory & Cognition. 34: 1615-27
Merritt P, Hirshman E, Zamani S, et al. (2006) Episodic representations support early semantic learning: Evidence from midazolam induced amnesia Brain and Cognition. 61: 219-223
Merritt P, Hirshman E, Hsu J, et al. (2005) Metamemory without the memory: Are people aware of midazolam-induced amnesia? Psychopharmacology. 177: 336-343
Hirshman E, Rhodes DK, Zinser M, et al. (2004) The effect of tobacco abstinence on recognition memory, digit span recall, and attentional vigilance. Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology. 12: 76-83
McDaniel MA, DeLosh EL, Merritt PS. (2000) Order information and retrieval distinctiveness: recall of common versus bizarre material. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Learning, Memory, and Cognition. 26: 1045-56
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