Artashes I. Karamian

IEPB, Campina Grande, Paraíba, Brazil 
Brain Evolution
"Artashes Karamian"
Mean distance: 16.3 (cluster 3)
Cross-listing: Evolution Tree

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Karamian AI, Zagorul'ko TM, Bilian RN. (1988) [The visual limbic area in the cerebral cortex of mammals (the limbic cortex and the problems of the evolution of the visual system)]. Uspekhi Fiziologicheskikh Nauk. 19: 3-23
Karamian AI, Zagorul'ko TM, Bilian RN. (1984) [New electrophysiologic data on localizing visual representation in the limbic area of the neocortex]. Fiziologicheskiä­ Zhurnal Sssr Imeni I. M. Sechenova. 70: 1256-64
Karamian AI, Sollertinskaia TN, Sologub NIa. (1982) [Formation of diencephalo-cortical relations in vertebrate phylogeny]. Fiziologicheskiä­ Zhurnal. 28: 653-63
Batuev AS, Karamian AI, Pirogov AA, et al. (1980) Structural and functional characteristics of hedgehog polysensory cortical zone. The International Journal of Neuroscience. 10: 69-83
Karamian AI, Zagorul'ko TM, Belekhova MG, et al. (1975) [Corticalization of 2 regions of the visual system in the evolution of vertebrates]. Neirì†Ofiziologiia = Neurophysiology. 7: 12-20
Karamian AI, Belekhova MG, Zagorul'ko TM. (1972) [New concepts on the evolution of 2 divisions of the vertebrate visual system--retino-geniculo-cortical and retino-tecto-thalamo-cortical]. Zhurnal Evoliutsionnoä­ Biokhimii I Fiziologii. 8: 166-72
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