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Jacob Nachmias

University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, United States 
"Jacob Nachmias"
Mean distance: 14.7 (cluster 23)


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Hans Wallach grad student Swarthmore
Wolfgang Köhler grad student 1952 Swarthmore
William John Crozier grad student 1955 Harvard
 (Information based on the Acknowledgements section of Nachmias, J. (1958). Brightness and visual acuity with intermittent illumination. Journal of the Optical Society of America, 48, 726-730.
Eric G. Heinemann grad student 1956 Harvard College
 (Based on Nachmias (1958 in which Nachmias thanks "Dr. E. G. Heinemann" and that puts Heinemann at Harvard in 1952)
E.B. Newman grad student 1956 Harvard College
 (Based on Nachmias, J. (1958). Brightness and visual acuity with intermittent illumination. Journal of the Optical Society of America, 48, 726-730. in which Nachmias thanks "Dr E. G. Heinemann" and
Floyd Ratliff research scientist Harvard College


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Norma Graham grad student 1970 Penn
Andrew B. Watson grad student 1974-1977 Penn
David J. Field grad student 1984 Penn
Jeffrey Lubin grad student 1992 Penn
Robert M. Steinman post-doc 1962-1964 Penn
BETA: Related publications


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Nachmias J. (2011) Shape and size discrimination compared. Vision Research. 51: 400-7
Nachmias J. (2008) Judging spatial properties of simple figures. Vision Research. 48: 1290-6
Nachmias J. (2006) The role of virtual standards in visual discrimination. Vision Research. 46: 2456-64
Nachmias J. (2002) Contrast discrimination with and without spatial uncertainty. Vision Research. 42: 41-8
Nachmias J. (1999) How is a grating detected on a narrowband noise masker? Vision Research. 39: 1133-42
Nachmias J. (1993) Masked detection of gratings: the standard model revisited. Vision Research. 33: 1359-65
Nachmias J. (1989) Contrast modulated maskers: test of a late nonlinearity hypothesis. Vision Research. 29: 137-42
Field DJ, Nachmias J. (1984) Phase reversal discrimination. Vision Research. 24: 333-40
Nachmias J, Rogowitz BE. (1983) Masking by spatially-modulated gratings. Vision Research. 23: 1621-9
Watson AB, Thompson PG, Murphy BJ, et al. (1980) Summation and discrimination of gratings moving in opposite directions. Vision Research. 20: 341-7
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