Michael A. Persinger

Laurentian University, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada 
Electromagnetic fields, epilepsy
"Michael Persinger"
Mean distance: 14.53 (cluster 6)
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Hossack VL, Persinger MA, Dotta BT. (2019) Seed Germination and Their Photon Emission Profile Following Exposure to a Rotating Magnetic Field Open Journal of Biophysics. 9: 254-266
Rouleau N, Murugan NJ, Persinger MA. (2017) Right cerebral hemispheric sensitivity to pH and physiological ions in fixed post-mortem Wistar rat brains. Cognitive Neurodynamics. 11: 433-442
Rouleau N, Persinger MA. (2017) Neural Tissues Filter Electromagnetic Fields: Investigating Regional Processing of Induced Current in Ex vivo Brain Specimens Biology and Medicine. 9
Buckner CA, Buckner AL, Koren SA, et al. (2016) The effects of electromagnetic fields on B16-BL6 cells are dependent on their spatial and temporal character. Bioelectromagnetics
Persinger MA, Rouleau N, Murugan NJ, et al. (2016) When Is the Brain Dead? Living-Like Electrophysiological Responses and Photon Emissions from Applications of Neurotransmitters in Fixed Post-Mortem Human Brains. Plos One. 11: e0167231
Rouleau N, Reive BS, Persinger MA. (2016) Functional neuroimaging of post-mortem tissue: lithium-pilocarpine seized rats express reduced brain mass and proportional reductions of left ventral cerebral theta spectral power. Heliyon. 2: e00181
Caswell JM, Singh M, Persinger MA. (2016) Simulated sudden increase in geomagnetic activity and its effect on heart rate variability: Experimental verification of correlation studies. Life Sciences in Space Research. 10: 47-52
Murugan NJ, Karbowski LM, Persinger MA. (2016) Synergistic interactions between temporal coupling of complex light and magnetic pulses upon melanoma cell proliferation and planarian regeneration. Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine. 1-8
Saroka KS, Vares DE, Persinger MA. (2016) Similar Spectral Power Densities Within the Schumann Resonance and a Large Population of Quantitative Electroencephalographic Profiles: Supportive Evidence for Koenig and Pobachenko. Plos One. 11: e0146595
Costa JN, Dotta BT, Persinger MA. (2016) Lagged Coherence of Photon Emissions and Spectral Power Densities between the Cerebral Hemispheres of Human Subjects during Rest Conditions: Phase Shift and Quantum Possibilities World Journal of Neuroscience. 6: 119-125
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