Tim Dalgleish

MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, Cambridge, England, United Kingdom 
Clinical Psychology
"Tim Dalgleish"
Mean distance: 15.77 (cluster 38)
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Haag C, So M, Vainre M, et al. (2024) Positive autobiographical memories to counteract low mood in remitted depression: A longitudinal daily-life investigation. Emotion (Washington, D.C.)
Smith AJ, Bisby JA, Dercon Q, et al. (2024) Hot metacognition: poorer metacognitive efficiency following acute but not traumatic stress. Translational Psychiatry. 14: 133
Nord CL, Longley B, Dercon Q, et al. (2023) A transdiagnostic meta-analysis of acute augmentations to psychological therapy. Nature. Mental Health. 1: 389-401
Dercon Q, Mehrhof SZ, Sandhu TR, et al. (2023) A core component of psychological therapy causes adaptive changes in computational learning mechanisms. Psychological Medicine. 1-11
Nord CL, Lawson RP, Dalgleish T. (2021) Disrupted Dorsal Mid-Insula Activation During Interoception Across Psychiatric Disorders. The American Journal of Psychiatry. appiajp202020091340
Stretton J, Walsh ND, Mobbs D, et al. (2021) How biopsychosocial depressive risk shapes behavioral and neural responses to social evaluation in adolescence. Brain and Behavior. e02005
Nord CL, Barrett LF, Lindquist KA, et al. (2021) Neural effects of antidepressant medication and psychological treatments: a quantitative synthesis across three meta-analyses. The British Journal of Psychiatry : the Journal of Mental Science. 1-5
Nord CL, Dalmaijer ES, Armstrong T, et al. (2020) A Causal Role for Gastric Rhythm in Human Disgust Avoidance. Current Biology : Cb
McKinnon A, Kuyken W, Hayes R, et al. (2020) The psychometric properties of the cognitive emotion regulation questionnaire (CERQ) in a clinical sample of adults with recurrent depression. Journal of Affective Disorders. 276: 212-219
Werner-Seidler A, Hitchcock C, Hammond E, et al. (2020) Emotional complexity across the life story: Elevated negative emodiversity and diminished positive emodiversity in sufferers of recurrent depression. Journal of Affective Disorders. 273: 106-112
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