Leslie Drummond

George Washington University, Washington, DC, United States 
"Leslie Drummond"
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Sarah Shomstein grad student 2012 The George Washington University
 (The Role of Uncertainty in the Guidance of Attentional Selection.)
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Drummond L, Shomstein S. (2013) The timecourse of space- and object-based attentional prioritization with varying degrees of certainty. Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience. 7: 88
Drummond L, Shomstein S. (2011) Reward-based influences on attentional orienting in patients with visuo-spatial neglect F1000research. 11: 211-211
Drummond L, Shomstein S. (2010) Object-based attention: shifting or uncertainty? Attention, Perception & Psychophysics. 72: 1743-55
Drummond L, Shomstein S. (2010) Separating attentional reference frames: Contributions of space- and object-based representations to attentional guidance Journal of Vision. 9: 146-146
Drummond L, Shomstein S. (2010) Object-based attention: Attentional certainty vs. attentional shifting Journal of Vision. 8: 553-553
Drummond L, Shomstein S. (2010) The time course of space- and object-based attentional prioritization Journal of Vision. 10: 186-186
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