James S. German, Ph.D.

Linguistics Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 
Prosody and intonation, laboratory phonology, population-level models of phonetics and phonology
"James German"
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Janet B. Pierrehumbert grad student 2009 Northwestern
 (Prosodic strategies for negotiating reference in discourse.)
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German JS, D'Imperio M. (2016) The Status of the Initial Rise as a Marker of Focus in French. Language and Speech. 59: 165-95
Amin TB, German JS, Marziliano P. (2014) Detecting voice disguise from speech variability: Analysis of three glottal and vocal tract measures Proceedings of Meetings On Acoustics. 20
Amin TB, Marziliano P, German JS. (2014) Glottal and vocal tract characteristics of voice impersonators Ieee Transactions On Multimedia. 16: 668-678
German JS, Carlson K, Pierrehumbert JB. (2013) Reassignment of consonant allophones in rapid dialect acquisition Journal of Phonetics. 41: 228-248
German J, Pierrehumbert J, Kaufmann S. (2006) Evidence for phonological constraints on nuclear accent placement Language. 82: 151-168
German J, Pierrehumbert J, Carlson K. (2005) Allophonic reassignment in dialect adaptation The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 118: 2033-2033
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