Sarah C. Humfeld, Ph.D.

2003 University of Missouri - Columbia, Columbia, MO, United States 
frog communication, evolution and ecology of animal communication
"Sarah Humfeld"
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H. Carl Gerhardt grad student 2003 University of Missouri - Columbia
 (Signaling, intersexual dynamics and the adoption of alternative male mating behaviors in green treefrogs, Hyla cinerea.)
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Clulow S, Mahony M, Elliott L, et al. (2016) Near-synchronous calling in the hip-pocket frog Assa darlingtoni Bioacoustics. 26: 249-258
Klymus K, Gerhardt C, Humfeld S. (2014) Behavioral and phylogenetic differentiation in a potential cryptic species complex, the canyon treefrog The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 135: 2239-2239
Gerhardt HC, Humfeld SC. (2013) Pre-existing sensory biases in the spectral domain in frogs: empirical results and methodological considerations. Journal of Comparative Physiology. a, Neuroethology, Sensory, Neural, and Behavioral Physiology. 199: 151-7
Humfeld SC. (2013) Condition-dependent signaling and adoption of mating tactics in an amphibian with energetic displays Behavioral Ecology. 24: 859-870
Klymus KE, Humfeld SC, Gerhardt HC. (2012) Geographical variation in male advertisement calls and female preference of the wide-ranging canyon treefrog, Hyla arenicolor Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 107: 219-232
Klymus KE, Humfeld SC, Marshall VT, et al. (2010) Molecular patterns of differentiation in canyon treefrogs (Hyla arenicolor): evidence for introgressive hybridization with the Arizona treefrog (H. wrightorum) and correlations with advertisement call differences. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 23: 1425-35
Humfeld SC, Marshall VT, Bee MA. (2009) Context-dependent plasticity of aggressive signalling in a dynamic social environment Animal Behaviour. 78: 915-924
Humfeld SC. (2008) Intersexual dynamics mediate the expression of satellite mating tactics: unattractive males and parallel preferences Animal Behaviour. 75: 205-215
Gerhardt HC, Humfeld SC, Marshall VT. (2007) Temporal order and the evolution of complex acoustic signals. Proceedings. Biological Sciences / the Royal Society. 274: 1789-94
Marshall VT, Humfeld SC, Bee MA. (2003) Plasticity of aggressive signalling and its evolution in male spring peepers, Pseudacris crucifer Animal Behaviour. 65: 1223-1234
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