Wendy Johnson, Ph.D.

2005 University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN 
Behavioral Genetics
"Wendy Johnson"
Mean distance: 23.8 (cluster 14)


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Matthew K. McGue grad student 2005 UMN
 (Antecedents of individual differences in academic achievement.)
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Burt SA, O'Keefe P, Johnson W, et al. (2024) The Detection of Environmental Influences on Academic Achievement Appears to Depend on the Analytic Approach. Behavior Genetics
Burt SA, Johnson W. (2022) Joint Consideration of Means and Variances Might Change the Understanding of Etiology. Perspectives On Psychological Science : a Journal of the Association For Psychological Science. 17456916221096122
Hicks BM, Clark DA, Deak JD, et al. (2021) Polygenic scores for smoking and educational attainment have independent influences on academic success and adjustment in adolescence and educational attainment in adulthood. Plos One. 16: e0255348
Johnson W, Mortensen EL, Kyvik KO. (2020) Gene-Environment Interplay Between Physical Exercise and Fitness and Depression Symptomatology. Behavior Genetics
McGue M, Willoughby EA, Rustichini A, et al. (2020) The Contribution of Cognitive and Noncognitive Skills to Intergenerational Social Mobility. Psychological Science. 956797620924677
Bouchard TJ, Johnson W. (2020) Keith Hayes' experience-producing drives: An appreciation and extension Personality and Individual Differences. 110082
Taylor J, Erbeli F, Hart SA, et al. (2019) Early classroom reading gains moderate shared environmental influences on reading comprehension in adolescence. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, and Allied Disciplines
Pahlen S, Hamdi NR, Dahl Aslan AK, et al. (2018) Age-Moderation of Genetic and Environmental Contributions to Cognitive Functioning in Mid- and Late-Life for Specific Cognitive Abilities. Intelligence. 68: 70-81
Johnson W, Deary IJ, Bouchard TJ. (2018) Have Standard Formulas Correcting Correlations for Range Restriction Been Adequately Tested?: Minor Sampling Distribution Quirks Distort Them. Educational and Psychological Measurement. 78: 1021-1055
Johnson W, Hahn E, Gottschling J, et al. (2018) SES-of-Origin and BMI in Youth: Comparing Germany and Minnesota. Behavior Genetics
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