Elly Nedivi

1984-1991 Stanford University Medical School, Palo Alto, CA, United States 
 1991-1996 Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel 
 1996-1998 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor, NY 
 1998- Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, United States 
"Elly Nedivi"
Mean distance: 13.66 (cluster 6)


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Pate Skene grad student 1984-1991 Stanford Medical School
Yoav Citri post-doc 1991-1996 Weizmann Institute
Hollis Cline research scientist MIT


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Marc R Benoit research assistant MIT
Corey Harwell grad student UCSF
Wei-Chung Allen Lee grad student 2000-2007 Brain and Cognitive Science, MIT
Jerry L. Chen grad student 2004-2010 MIT-Picower Institute for Learning and Memory
Rebecca L. Gillani post-doc MIT
Katrin Michel post-doc MIT
Mette Rathje post-doc MIT
Katherine Villa post-doc MIT
Ulrich Putz post-doc 2000-2005 MIT
Aygul Balcioglu research scientist MIT


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Jayeeta Basu collaborator
BETA: Related publications


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Balcioglu A, Gillani R, Doron M, et al. (2023) Mapping thalamic innervation to individual L2/3 pyramidal neurons and modeling their 'readout' of visual input. Nature Neuroscience
Park J, Khan S, Yun DH, et al. (2021) Epitope-preserving magnified analysis of proteome (eMAP). Science Advances. 7: eabf6589
Yang SM, Michel K, Jokhi V, et al. (2020) Neuron class-specific responses govern adaptive myelin remodeling in the neocortex. Science (New York, N.Y.). 370
Villa KL, Nedivi E. (2019) Glutamate Receptors: Not Just for Excitation. Neuron. 104: 1025-1027
Subramanian J, Michel K, Benoit M, et al. (2019) CPG15/Neuritin Mimics Experience in Selecting Excitatory Synapses for Stabilization by Facilitating PSD95 Recruitment. Cell Reports. 28: 1584-1595.e5
Rathje M, Waxman H, Benoit M, et al. (2019) Genetic variants in the bipolar disorder risk locus SYNE1 that affect CPG2 expression and protein function. Molecular Psychiatry
Eavri R, Shepherd J, Welsh CA, et al. (2018) Interneuron simplification and loss of structural plasticity as markers of aging-related functional decline. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience
Boivin JR, Nedivi E. (2018) Functional implications of inhibitory synapse placement on signal processing in pyramidal neuron dendrites. Current Opinion in Neurobiology. 51: 16-22
Berry KP, Nedivi E. (2017) Spine Dynamics: Are They All the Same? Neuron. 96: 43-55
Xue Y, Berry KP, Rowlands CJ, et al. (2017) Monitoring Neuronal Signal Integration by Selective Access Multifoci Multiphoton Microscopy Brain
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