Joseph V. Ferraro, Ph.D.

2007 University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 
"Joseph Ferraro"


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Robert Boyd grad student 2007 UCLA
 (Broken bones and shattered stones: On the foraging ecology of Oldowan hominins.)
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Blegen N, Brown FH, Jicha BR, et al. (2016) The Menengai Tuff: A 36 ka widespread tephra and its chronological relevance to Late Pleistocene human evolution in East Africa Quaternary Science Reviews. 152: 152-168
Plummer TW, Ferraro JV, Louys J, et al. (2015) Bovid ecomorphology and hominin paleoenvironments of the Shungura Formation, lower Omo River Valley, Ethiopia. Journal of Human Evolution
Ferraro JV, Binetti KM. (2014) American alligator proximal pedal phalanges resemble human finger bones: Diagnostic criteria for forensic investigators. Forensic Science International. 240: 151.e1-7
Ferraro JV, Plummer TW, Pobiner BL, et al. (2013) Earliest archaeological evidence of persistent hominin carnivory. Plos One. 8: e62174
Plummer TW, Ditchfield PW, Bishop LC, et al. (2009) Oldest evidence of tool making hominins in a grassland-dominated ecosystem. Plos One. 4: e7199
Braun DR, Plummer T, Ditchfield P, et al. (2008) Oldowan behavior and raw material transport: perspectives from the Kanjera Formation Journal of Archaeological Science. 35: 2329-2345
Braun DR, Tactikos JC, Ferraro JV, et al. (2008) Oldowan reduction sequences: methodological considerations Journal of Archaeological Science. 35: 2153-2163
Frost SR, Plummer T, Bishop LC, et al. (2003) Partial cranium of Cercopithecoides kimeui Leakey, 1982 from Rawi Gully, southwestern Kenya. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 122: 191-9
Plummer T, Ferraro J, Ditchfield P, et al. (2001) Late Pliocene Oldowan excavations at Kanjera South, Kenya Antiquity. 75: 809-810
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