Yanju Ren, Ph.D.

Shandong Normal University 
visual perception and visual attention
"Yanju Ren"
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Lian J, Zheng Y, Duan P, et al. (2017) Measuring Spectral Inconsistency of Multispectral Images for Detection and Segmentation of Retinal Degenerative Changes. Scientific Reports. 7: 11288
Zheng Y, Wang Y, Jiao W, et al. (2017) Joint alignment of multispectral images via semidefinite programming. Biomedical Optics Express. 8: 890-901
He Y, Zheng Y, Zhao Y, et al. (2017) Retinal Image Denoising via Bilateral Filter with a Spatial Kernel of Optimally Oriented Line Spread Function. Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine. 2017: 1769834
Sun Q, Ren Y, Zheng Y, et al. (2016) Superordinate Level Processing Has Priority Over Basic-Level Processing in Scene Gist Recognition. I-Perception. 7: 2041669516681307
Ren Y, Xuan Y, Chen W, et al. (2011) Modulation of the Object/Background Interaction by Spatial Frequency I-Perception. 2: 252-252
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