Nina D. Uziel-Miller, Ph.D.

2000 Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 
Mental Health and Public Policy
"Nina Uziel-Miller"
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John Lyons grad student 2000 Northwestern
 (An examination of a substance abuse treatment typology and the influence of gender: Results from a nationally representative sample.)
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Uziel-Miller ND, Dresner N. (2002) Addressing substance abuse in obstetrics and gynecology Primary Care Update For Ob/Gyns. 9: 98-104
Uziel-Miller ND, Lyons JS. (2000) Specialized substance abuse treatment for women and their children: an analysis of program design. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment. 19: 355-67
Leon SC, Lyons JS, Uziel-Miller ND, et al. (2000) Evaluating the use of psychiatric hospitalization by residential treatment centers. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. 39: 1496-501
Leon SC, Lyons JS, Uziel-Miller ND. (2000) Variations in the clinical presentations of children and adolescents at eight psychiatric hospitals. Psychiatric Services (Washington, D.C.). 51: 786-90
Lyons JS, Uziel-Miller ND, Reyes F, et al. (2000) Strengths of children and adolescents in residential settings: prevalence and associations with psychopathology and discharge placement. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. 39: 176-81
Uziel-Miller ND, Lyons JS, Rowland B, et al. (1999) A Safe Haven: an innovative approach to residential treatment of substance abuse. American Journal of Public Health. 89: 1430-1
Leon SC, Uziel-Miller ND, Lyons JS, et al. (1999) Psychiatric hospital service utilization of children and adolescents in state custody. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. 38: 305-10
McGovern MP, Angres DH, Uziel-Miller ND, et al. (1998) Female physicians and substance abuse. Comparisons with male physicians presenting for assessment. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment. 15: 525-33
Uziel-Miller ND, Lyons JS, Kissiel C, et al. (1998) Treatment needs and initial outcomes of a residential recovery program for African-American women and their children. The American Journal On Addictions / American Academy of Psychiatrists in Alcoholism and Addictions. 7: 43-50
Uziel-Miller ND, Lyons JS, Kissiel C, et al. (1998) Treatment Needs and Initial Outcomes of a Residential Recovery Program for African-American Women and their Children The American Journal On Addictions. 7: 43-50
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